Projects are objectives that the Company wishes achieved and expects its employees to find solutions to. Projects normally take the form of a vague goal the company has in mind and employees are expected to use their skills, ingenuity and deviousness to achieve them and maximise profit. Successfully completing projects is the best way to get promoted in the company. Some projects are high-profile and are even more likely to bring recognition from upper management. Employees who come up with the most “out-of-the-box” solution may well be rewarded with an employee of the month award.
Projects will be advertised at the company meetings (i.e. in session) where a list of projects will be available for all to see.
Teams up to four in size may work on a project by signing the appropriate project requisition form at company meetings. Teams must nominate a team leader who will get the majority of credit for the project and is most likely to be eligible for promotion…or demotion should the project go horribly wrong.
More than one team may work on the same project but in such cases only the team that achieves the best result will be eligible for promotion (though the losers may well gain more prosaic benefits). This can make high-profile projects very competitive.
Anyone with/above the rank of Executive Director may choose a project to be added to the project list (email the GMs before session) each fiscal quarter.
Anyone with the rank of Managing Director may designate a project high-profile.
Each turn you have
One of your actions must be spent on a project. This is company time, and time is money, so wasting the company's time is wasting the company's money, and there's nothing the company loves more than its money.
As part of a company wide productivity enhancing cost reduction power incentive, each employee is to attend a training seminar per fiscal quarter designed to refine their core competencies. Highly Effective People may also attend seminars designed to improve their mastery of one of the Habits. In practical terms, this means that every turn, each company employee gains an extra “point” to spend on improving their level in a core competency or Habit.
These “points” can be redeemed for advancement in the Five Habits on a one-to-one basis or for advancement in a Core Competency requiring a number of “points” as detailed in the appropriate section.
Promotions must always be actively sought out and applied for. You will never be promoted just for doing a good job, you have to ask for the promotion and justify this by demonstrating how productive you have been for the company.
This means that to obtain a promotion you must devote an action into applying for it. This can take the form of sitting an interview, networking with higher-ups or booby-trapping your immediate superior's car. You cannot attempt to wrangle a promotion in the same action that you do a project or something unrelated, however beneficial for the company.
Furthermore, if you are successfully promoted, you may not attempt to rise further up the management hierarchy without demonstrating that the decision to promote you was correct. This means that you may not apply for another promotion until you have spent a full fiscal quarter at your new position.
Each turn (a fiscal quarter in game time) the management will award three employees “Employee of the Month” which comes with a plaque and a bonus unit of synergy.
“Employee of the Month” is awarded to someone who makes a huge profit for the company, comes up with a particularly cunning business plan or does something awful to one of their competitors. “Employee of the Month” awardees will be announced in the Corporate Newsletter.
Players are encouraged to compete with one another. After all, the company has only a limited amount of resources and management positions. Betrayal, sabotage and deceit to get your opponents demoted will all be helpful in achieving success and occasionally so will carnage. Though the management disapproves of fist-fights in the office (which will normally result in security being called and disciplinary action against the instigator), giant robots, armed goons and high-explosives can all be used to climb the slippery pole and you should feel free to turnsheet to take lethal action against another player (if you're confident it can't be traced back to you).
However, lethal violence will never result in a PC becoming unplayable unless their player requests for that to happen. There will be IC reasons for this indestructibility but OC all you need to know is that you don't have to worry about losing your character. However, if you are the target of lethal actions you can definitely expect there to be consequences.
Meetings are an inappropriate place to do most things either due to lack of time, resources or the presence of security. Since employees are expected to attend meetings, running outside to do things is simply not company policy and will likely result in disciplinary action. However, you can trigger actions in session (for example: launch the rocket you built) assuming you've devoted actions to arranging this the turn before.